Humic & Fulvic Acids

Korban® 0-0-13

Potassium High-Carbon Humic Acid Solution

Korban® 0-0-13 provides the benefits of Korban® SC, KaPre® K-29 and chelated micronutrients in one, ready to use product. It is ideal for use during black-out periods when applications of nitrogen have to be limited but other nutrients are still required.
Korban® 0-0-13 is formulated with PERFORMANCE Organic Acids™ that are selected for their ability to perform in both the soil and the plant. The process used for extraction yields a high carbon humic solution that remains stable over a wide pH range and in solutions with a high ionic load with other nutrients. The potassium supplied by Korban 0-0-13 is potassium acetate, a more desirable choice for foliar fertilization because of its small molecular size. Since it is manufactured with organic acids, it makes it an excellent and safe tank mix partner with most plant inputs including other NPK and micronutrients. Korban 0-0-13 contains boron, copper, iron, manganese and zinc providing plants with all of the essential micronutrients.

•  Promotes a sustainable approach to soil health by supplying organic carbon
•  Provides a readily available, highly compatible source of potassium and chelated micronutrients
•  Provides a readily available source of potassium
•  Aids in nitrogen efficiency and retention in the soil
•  Enhances solubility, availability, and plant uptake of important ions
•  Improves cation exchange in soil solutions
•  Supports populations of beneficial soil bacterial and fungi
•  Combines readily with most liquid fertilizers, which can help reduce fertilizer induced foliar and/or root burn
•  Will not precipitate in tank mixes or plug screens/spray nozzles during field applications
•  Blends with most solutions, including those with a high ionic load, even in solutions as low as pH 3.2

Soluble Potash (K2O).....................................................13.0%
Sulfur (S)...........................................................................0.9%
0.9% Free Sulfur (S)
Boron (B)........................................................................0.08%
Copper (Cu)....................................................................0.08%
0.08% Chelated Copper (Cu)
Iron (Fe)............................................................................1.0%
1.0% Chelated Iron (Fe)
Manganese (Mn).............................................................0.3%
0.3% Chelated Manganese (Mn)
Zinc (Zn)........................................................................0.08%
0.08% Chelated Zinc (Zn)
Derived from potassium acetate, potassium hydroxide, elemental sulfur, citric acid,
copper carbonate, ferric chloride, manganese chloride, zinc oxide and boric acid

Active Ingredients
Humic acids...................................................................... 4.8%

Applications for Agriculture (including but not limited to all row crops, field crops, forage crops, feed crops, vegetable crops, nut trees and vines):

Korban 0-0-13 may be applied pre-plant, as a starter, side dressed, fertigated, top dressed or as a banded application. It should be diluted with water to ensure uniform distribution at a rate of 2 quarts to 3 gallons per acre. For foliar applications, apply 1 quart to 3 gallons per acre in enough water to provide adequate coverage.

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