Humic & Fulvic Acids

KaPre® Spectra

Fulvic Acid Solution

KaPre® Spectra is a concentrated fulvic acid blend containing a broad range of fulvic acid molecules. KaPre Spectra can improve fertilizer performance when added to starter, foliar or side dress fertilizer applications. KaPre Spectra is ideal for use in all transplant solutions, watering solutions, root dips, and seed soaks.

Increases nutrient absorption
KaPre Spectra makes vitamins and elemental minerals more absorbable by complexing them into organic, ionic forms that are easily transported through cell membranes.

Improves fertilizer efficiency
KaPre Spectra plays a role in helping transport nutrients into plant foliage and roots. The low molecular weight formulation improves mobility through cell walls to plant growth points.

Non-Plant Food Ingredients

Fulvic Acid.........................................................20%
Other Ingredients..............................................80%

KaPre Spectra may be blended with any compatible fertilizers and foliar sprays applied to all row crops, field crops, forage crops, feed crops, vegetable crops, trees, nut trees, vines.
KaPre Spectra can be foliar-applied at up to 12 ounces per acre per application.
Apply at least 2 oz. per acre in all foliar applications.

Applications with Herbicides:
KaPre Spectra may be applied at rates of 2 – 12 ounces per acre with non-selective herbicides.
KaPre Spectra may increase the absorption and efficacy of herbicides.
KaPre Spectra is NOT recommended for use with pre-emergence herbicides.
KaPre Spectra is NOT recommended for use with selective herbicides.

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